唐俊乔 – 中国魔笛 DSD无损

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公司:Channel of China


唐俊乔自幼随父亲学习笛子,少年时代便屡次荣获青少年器乐大赛最高奖。1986年考入沈阳音乐学院附中,师从孔庆山教授。1990年十六岁时,首次举办个人独奏音乐会。后来进入上海音乐学院,先后师从笛子名师赵松庭和俞逊发教授。在学校期间唐俊乔录制了《梅花三弄》《牧民新歌》《扬鞭催马运粮忙》等名曲。1996年,唐俊乔以优异成绩毕业进入上海民族乐团,担任上海民族乐团笛子首席,成为中国第一位在民族乐队中担任首席的女性管乐演奏家。   唐俊乔的演奏功底深厚、技巧娴熟、音色圆润动听,极富音乐表现力。她经常作为独奏嘉宾参加各种形式的大型协奏曲音乐会、室内音乐会及电视台的综艺节目等。      唐俊乔曾受邀参加录制李安导演、谭盾作曲的影片《卧虎藏龙》中笛子、巴乌的独奏部分,该曲获得包括奥斯卡奖在内的全球十八项电影音乐金奖和格莱美音乐奖,至此,唐俊乔引起国际乐坛关注。她被邀请赴英国伦敦“巴比肯艺术中心”与世界著名大提琴家马友友共同首演了谭盾作曲的《卧虎藏龙》协奏曲获得极大成功,并开始其《卧虎藏龙》全世界巡演的旅程。此外她还与中国其他著名作曲家合作,贾达群为其度身定作笛子协奏曲《边陲遗想》,与何训田合作继《阿姐鼓》、《央金玛》之后的又一部唱片力作《波罗密多》,演奏其中所有管乐独奏部分,广获佳评。   2001年春节,唐俊乔随上海民族乐团赴维也纳“金色大厅”举办蛇年新春音乐会,她在音乐会上担任了笛子独奏,同年七月应邀在澳门举办《唐俊乔笛子专场音乐会》。   唐俊乔经常与诸多著名乐团合作,包括伦敦交响乐团、法国国家交响乐团、汉堡交响乐团、香港管弦乐团、台北市立交响乐团、中国爱乐乐团、上海交响乐团、上海广播交响乐团等,并曾出访美国、德国、日本、英国、奥地利、比利时、法国、意大利、台湾、香港、澳门等许多国家和地区,是当代中国最杰出的青年笛子演奏家之一。

Tang Junqiao, a young Chinese flute player, is currently the chief flute player of Shanghai National Orchestra.
Tang Junqiao learned flute from his father when he was young, and won the highest prize in the youth instrumental music competition. In 1986, he was admitted to the high school attached to Shenyang Conservatory of music and studied under Professor Kong Qingshan. In 1990, when he was 16 years old, he held his first solo concert. Later, he entered Shanghai Conservatory of music and studied flute masters Zhao Songting and Yu Xunfa. In school, Tang Junqiao recorded “plum blossom Sannong”, “herdsman’s new song”, “whip to urge horse to transport grain” and other famous songs. In 1996, Tang Junqiao graduated with outstanding achievements and joined the Shanghai National Orchestra as the chief flute player of the Shanghai National Orchestra. He became the first female wind player in China to act as the chief of the National Orchestra. Tang Junqiao’s performance is profound, skillful, mellow and pleasant to listen to, full of musical expression. As a solo guest, she often takes part in various forms of Concerto concerts, indoor concerts and TV variety shows. Tang Junqiao was invited to take part in the solo part of flute and Bawu in the film Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon, which was directed by Ang Lee and composed by Tan Dun. The song won 18 golden film music awards including Oscar awards and Grammy Music Awards. So far, Tang Junqiao has attracted international attention. She was invited to perform the “Crouching Dragon Shield” by Tan youyou Dun in London. In addition, she also cooperated with other famous Chinese composers. Jia Daqun wrote the flute concerto “frontier legacy” for her, and cooperated with he Xuntian in another record masterpiece “boromedo” after “Ajie drum” and “yangjinma”. She played all the solo parts of the flute, which was widely praised. In the Spring Festival of 2001, Tang Junqiao accompanied the Shanghai National Orchestra to hold the Spring Festival Concert of the year of the snake in Vienna’s “Golden Hall”. She acted as a flute solo in the concert. In July of the same year, she was invited to hold a special concert of Tang Junqiao’s Flute in Macao. Tang Junqiao often cooperates with many famous orchestras, including the London Symphony Orchestra, the French National Symphony Orchestra, the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra, the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, the Taipei overpass Orchestra, the China Philharmonic Orchestra, the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, and the Shanghai Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra. He has visited the United States, Germany, Japan, Britain, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Taiwan and Hong Kong He is one of the most outstanding young flute players in contemporary China.


01. 早晨 Morning [0:05:15.39]
02. 沂河欢歌 Paean of Yi River [0:04:42.10]
03. 小放牛 Little Buffalo Cowboy [0:04:48.28]
04. 喜相逢 Jolly Meeting [0:02:55.52]
05. 千山情 Impression of Mt.Qianshan [0:05:17.15]
06. 琅琊神韵 Mysterious Tune From Lang Ya [0:10:25.38]
07. 春到湘江 Spring Visiting Xiang Jiang River [0:05:50.29]
08. 幽兰逢春 Solitary Orchid Greeting The Spring [0:07:42.18]
09. 卖菜 Vegetable Vendor [0:03:11.65]
10. 苍 Blue Canopy [0:12:22.56]

唐俊乔 – 中国魔笛 DSD无损-柒号库
唐俊乔 – 中国魔笛 DSD无损
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